The O Antiphons are 7 chants leading up to Christmas. Each day, one of the aspects of Christ is remembered. They are remembered in the hymn Veni Veni Emmanuel.
The 7
On the 17th of december, wisdom is remembered (O Sapientia).
On the 18th, Adonai (אדןי) one of the names of God, mostly referring to Christ.
On the 19th, the root of Jesse (Radix Jesse) is remembered.
On the 20th, the key of David (Clavis David) is remembered.
On the 21st, the Morning Star (O Oriens) is remembered.
On the 22nd, the hymn starts with O King of Nations (rex gentium).
On the 23rd, the name Emmanuel (צמןואל) is remembered, meaning God with us.
Names of Christ
These 7 reflections on Christ should prepare us for the coming of the Messiah. Today, the title of the Christ, the king of nations is remembered. All these titles are reflections of Him, reflections of how the Old Testament prepared us for Him.
A mystery that protestants still do not understand, the fact that Truth was given a face. That Christ shared our nature, became a human, to lift us up to Him.
One of my favourite carols.
As I learn more about Christ, the more I am amazed how much theology modern Protestants miss. Christ is indeed the King of the Nations, the Eternal King of Kings.
Thank you for this one my Friend!
Veni Veni Emmanuel is one of my favorite Christian chants of all time