The beating of Arius at Nicea
Many say Christianity is a weak religion. Let's take a look at St Nicholas. At the first Ecumenical council (Nicea), he beat Arius. His heretical theology claimed Christ was not a Son of God, and begotten in time.
This means that Christ was not equal to the Father, but below Him. In essence, it denies the doctrine of the Trinity. His miracle then relates to the fact that St Nicholas was kicked out of the council and even jailed.
But, several bishops were visited by Christ in a dream, and they reinstated the saint. St Nicholas, a fighter for truth.
The dowry of the Three Girls
Three girls were to be sent into prostitution. Their father could not pay their dowry. He first threw in a bundle of money for the first daughter.
The father effectively paid the dowry. This went on for the second and third daughter. The third night, St Nicholas was recognised by the father. This is how the good deed became known. He frees those from their bonds.
The Resurrection of the pickled boys
Three boys got lost. They wandered into the city into the home of a butcher, asking for food and to sleep. The butcher murdered them and put them in a barrel.
Seven years later, St Nicholas knocked on the door. He asked: "open your salting tub". He then said, "rise up children" while making the Sign of the Cross.
St Nicholas, reviver of the dead, pray for us.
St Nic is the real deal. A theologian, altruistic and a miracle worker. Someone to emulate.