Unity is one. Perception or the intellect is one. This one is named. In the one, is contained all numbers. From unity, something originate. To unity, it returns. The pattern of procession and return. All comes back to the origin.
An idea descends into materiality and returns back, when it has done what it was supposed to do. All art contains a single idea, expressed in multiplicity of the matter (paint, wood, materials…). But the idea is first.
First, the idea is one, before it descends into multiplicity.
Multiplicity is contained in the one. Multiplicity is firstly the descend into duality. From one comes two. If an idea wants to extend into reality, it needs to stretch out into opposites. From these lower manifestations, the higher becomes clear.
Color contains the duality of black and white. Verticality contains up and down. From this stretching out, the origin is perceived.
The movement down, into manifestation, is the movement into duality.
God transcends all duality. It is not Christ against Satan, it is St Michael against Satan.
The movement down, is also the movement into trinity or quaternity.
Unity or multiplicity?
Looking at duality, is looking too low. This does not mean that they are not real, but they are less close to the real source of Life.
Is truth found in unity or multiplicity?
Ultimately, truth is found in love. Christ holds together the created and uncreated in his Hypostasis.
St Augustine in his Confessions:
All what is in heaven is more worth than what is on earth, but the whole creation (what is on heaven and on earth), is more worth than what is in heaven
The gnostic view that the lower things (or matter) is evil is thrown away in one sentence. Both the striving for unity or for multiplicity is a vain pursuit. In the first, one does not appreciate the Creation, in the second, one does not appreciate the creator. Letting unity exists together with oneness.
It is love, One God in Three Persons, that is the origin and creator of reality.
Great post!